OAS was founded in 2010 as a reaction to the Swedish winters. OAS is inspired by art, cultural variety and architecture. The collections are defined by continuous reinvention and re-definition of classic summer styles. Designed with the intention that garments last a lifetime - timeless for the creative soul and beyond trends.
O, A and S are the three initials of the name of the founder (Oliver Adam Sebastian). The brand was born during his many trips to the family summer house in Barcelona. It all started when Oliver continually provided his friends with the rare product that is the espadrille, which until 2010 was not yet available.
espadrilles which, until 2010, could not be found throughout Scandinavia. Espadrilles were soon joined by swimwear, and OAS became the resort brand it is today - established in countries around the world to provide the brand's customers with vacation wear throughout the year.
The OAS journey encompasses not only the products, but also the people who surround the brand. As a demand-driven brand, they work closely with their manufacturers and family businesses to ensure that our garments are of the quality that they expect and their customers expect of them. OAS was founded in response to the Swedish winter and with the desire to create unique and coveted resort wear that exudes holiday nostalgia. The brand designs their own garments with the intention of making them last a lifetime - timeless for the creative soul and beyond trending, with quality being their top priority.
"I want our customers to trust us when it comes to sustainability, inclusion and responsibility, to do what's best for the benefit of our brand and our customers - while pushing those boundaries, keeping the brand interesting and constantly evolving". - Oliver Lundgren, CEO and Founder of OAS.
With a clear core and distinct aesthetic, the brand expands into a universe of creativity and new thinking. Inspired by art, architecture and actors from the international creative scene, OAS items are associated with fond holiday memories.
Find OAS at RADAR Cannes.